This paper reports preliminary findings on how a primary teacher-training college in Kenya is preparing teacher trainees to teach about HIV/AIDS. Included are features of the Kenya education system. The aim of the study was to understand the preparation of teachers to teach about HIV/AIDS by exploring both teacher-trainers' and trainees' preparedness. The study was conducted by carrying out document review, observation and semi-structured interviews with the college administration, two teacher trainers, as well as a group interview with four trainees. Inductive analysis was carried out by identifying categories, codes and themes, and the literature review was used to summarise the findings. The study established that there were awareness programmes at the college; however, interviewees felt trainees' preparation to teach about HIV/AIDS was superficial. Hence there is a need to improve and intensify the cascade model employed by the Ministry of Education to prepare teacher trainers to teach about HIV/AIDS. The starting point at the college should be the completion of an HIV/AIDS policy, which is still in draft form, so that it can be used to provide guidance on HIV/AIDS education.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação