These Guidelines for Addressing HIV in Humanitarian Settings aim to assist humanitarian and AIDS organizations to plan the delivery of a minimum set of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services to people affected by humanitarian crises. The guidelines are a revised version of a document entitled IASC Guidelines for HIV/AIDS Interventions in Emergency Settings. They take into account the progress made in the implementation of humanitarian coordination and the latest evidence about the feasibility of providing ART in low-resource settings. The guidelines have been developed for mid-level programme planners and implementers from agencies involved in providing humanitarian assistance. The guidelines consist of four chapters: Chapter 1 provides the reader with the necessary background information on HIV and humanitarian crises and provides an overall outline of the guidelines. Chapter 2 focuses on coordination arrangements, planning and resource mobilization. Chapter 3 provides information on the sectoral response to HIV in humanitarian settings for nine key sectors: HIV awareness raising and community support; Health; Protection; Food security, nutrition and livelihood support; Education; Shelter; Camp coordination and camp management; Water, sanitation and hygiene; HIV in the workplace. Chapter 4 describes the key monitoring and evaluation activities for the response to HIV in humanitarian settings and proposes a set of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support indicators for both the minimum initial and expanded response phases.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação