This study, commissioned by the Association of African Universities, was conducted to identify the strengths, constraints and opportunities for addressing the human resource and policy challenges occassioned by the HIV and AIDS pandemic. A sample of between 12 and 15 institutions which exemplified best practices in the response to HIV and AIDS in Africa was identified. In documenting and disseminating these examples, it is hoped that other institutions will benefit from the sharing of new knowledge and contribute to the overall strengthening of the response to the epidemic. Part I of the report is largely focused on a rapid appraisal of progress to date in the higher education response to HIV and AIDS in Africa. Part II analyses and interprets the shifts that had taken place since 2000/2001 when the international higher education community, government leaders and major policy advocates began mobilising the higher education response to HIV and AIDS. Part III is a series of best practice profiles of 12 institutions across 4 sub-regions in Africa. Part IV examines the gaps and weaknesses in higher education responses to HIV and AIDS with a particular focus on risk assessments and emerging trends. The 'Way Forward' section concludes the report with a synthesis of major findings and recommendations.
Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação