This aide memoire presents the results of a country case study of Zambia which took place in the context of a four-country exercise commissioned by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education. This is an interim document, the purpose of which is to provide the stakeholders interviewed in Zambia, as well as the IATT on Education with a preliminary summary of findings. The results of this discussion will then be incorporated in the final overall report of the four countries. The purpose of this case study is to assess the quality and effectiveness of collaboration among partners based on case studies in Jamaica, Kenya, Zambia and Thailand, with a view of improving coordination across agencies to support country level and global actions. Specifically the case study exercise seeks to:Document how external partners coordinate and harmonize their efforts at the country level, including how they disseminate and share information, and how this supports or hinders a comprehensive education sector response to HIV&AIDSIdentify areas of overlap and significant gaps in country responsesProduce a series of options for the IATT members to consider to improve synergy and alignment across IATT member agencies and to support coordination at the country level more broadly.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação