This toolkit translates useful academic models, evidence, theories and other information into a practical 'cookbook', providing many tips, experiences and tools that have been used in projects in Africa and Asia. These projects are aimed at the design, implementation and evaluation of sexuality education programmes for young people. The toolkit uses the intervention mapping model as a framework that helps planners to systematically design health programmes and encourages them to take evidence-based decisions. It is designed primarily for project officers and project staff of governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), working in developing countries on young people's sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR). It is also useful for researchers and research consultants who are collaborating with NGOs and governmental organizations in curriculum development. The purpose of this document is to build capacity and make useful, but sometimes difficult, information about effectiveness, research and theory more practical and applicable in the day-to-day setting of planners and implementers. It provides tools, worksheets, examples, experiences and guidelines that have been useful in planning SRHR education for young people. The document is divided into nine chapters. Chapters 1-3 provide an introduction to the manual. The remaining chapters provide background information, guidelines and examples for each of the six steps that are closely linked. After involving all those concerned (step 1), there is a comprehensive analysis of the problem (step 2). This analysis results in detailed objectives (step 3). Next, all the programme activities and materials are studied to see whether every objective has been met (step 4). To make sure the programme is adopted and implemented effectively, any barriers and possible structures and resources are analysed and addressed (step 5). And the end of the process is monitoring and evaluation (step 6).

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação