Every student has a right to learn in a safe environment. Yet for students who face bullying and harassment, schools and other educational settings can be fundamentally unsafe places. Bullying can take multiple forms, including: teasing, name-calling and labelling, physical abuse, sexual assault and social exclusion. Bullying not only threatens a child’s right to education, but it undermines other fundamental rights to health, safety, dignity and freedom from discrimination. Bullying occurs at all levels of education, including in primary schools. It can be motivated by many factors, but is often sex- or gender-based, reinforcing traditional understandings of what it means to be masculine or feminine. Same sex attracted and transgender youth are often victims of bullying. This bullying is often called “homophobic or transphobic bullying”, or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. While those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) are clearly vulnerable, the mere perception of same-sex attraction or of transgender identity is enough to put people at risk. The lessons included in this packet are designed to help educators address this issue in Thailand. They draw on the experience of different organizations, recent research conducted in Thailand on the issue, and previous lesson plans developed for the 2012 campaign.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação