This is the MOEC Strategic Plan (MOECSP) for HIV/AIDS, 2003 - 2007. It outlines the MOEC plans to address the challenges presented by HIV/AIDS. The plans are situated within the context of the mandate and structure of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC), its ongoing response to HIV/AIDS, and national and international commitments to combat HIV/AIDS. Chapter One presents an overview of the current state of the pandemic and is followed by a description of the MOEC and how it has been affected by HIV/AIDS. Chapter Two reviews the MOEC response to the epidemic from 1998 to 2002. Chapter Three describes the development of the MOECSP. Chapter Four presents the institutional and management framework and structures that will oversee implementation of the plan. Chapter Five addresses the critical importance of monitoring and evaluation as well as the need to have access to research to keep up with the pandemic. Chapter Six deals with workplace intervention within the MOEC Sector for the purpose of informing and educating the employees about HIV/AIDS. Chapter Seven focuses the HIV/AIDS challenge. Finally Chapter Eight presents matrices for implementing a broad range of activities which will be undertaken over the five years of the plan to reach the strategic objectives.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação