Analyses and responses to the HIV epidemic remain rooted in a mind set which while it was relevant 5 or more years ago may no longer be so. Or at least what is written, said, thought and done about the development implications of the HIV epidemic are no longer sufficient. There is still a lack of clarity about the ways in which development affects the course of the HIV epidemic, such as the role of poverty in transmission of the virus and how families cope with the poverty caused by illness and death. It follows that much analytical and empirical work remains to be done.Similarly, we know very little about how to move from the language of multi-sectoralism to effective programmes which actively engage all relevant organizations and interests at national and community level. While there has been some progress in moving from processes reliant on experts and ""normal professionalism"", towards more inclusive and participatory approaches, we are still many years away from general acceptance of the need for changes in development practice within both the donor and recipient communities. Nevertheless, there is some limited evidence of a deeper perception of the need for new and better ways of working on development - including how best to respond to the HIV epidemic as a development issue.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação