(Over) extended: AIDS review 2003

Case Studies & Research
University of Pretoria, Centre for the Study of AIDS
75 p.

Review 2003 asks the question: how does the epidemic impact on families and the personal relationships between family members - between partners, between husbands and wives, between parents and their children and between siblings? We ask the question as to how the (over)extended family will cope with this epidemic and how social and community structures might be able to find creative ways to look after families living with HIV and AIDS, as well as people living with HIV and AIDS, and how social and community support can be developed in innovative and creative ways. The document looks at a small microcosm of individual people and families living with HIV and AIDS, and giving care to and taking in family members and friends. It relates the lives and experiences of a small number of people who are dealing with families and who are linked into support groups and other networks. This small sample reflects what many South African families of all races and classes are experiencing as they find ways of coping and ensuring that family members are supported and cared for. The Review looks at the possibility that we can create new families, new communities and a new culture of care and compassion and support, and develop a strong social cohesion and integrity. In this way we will create a new society that will be stronger, having survived this epidemic.

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