By specifically looking at SRGBV in the Asia-Pacific region, this review hopes to close the analytical gap in what we know about the causes, nature, manifestation, scale and the consequences of SRGBV in the region. This analytical gap results from many causes, including that: a) gender-based violence literature often overlooks children, b) violence against children research often does not focus adequately on gender, and c) SRGBV research generally has not been widespread in the Asia-Pacific region, but more in sub-Saharan Africa. This desk review of SRGBV in the Asia-Pacific region is organised as follows: TheWhat is SRGBV section provides a definition of what school-based violence is and outlines the six most common forms of SRGBV in the Asia-Pacific region, as affirmed by the research evidence presented in this review. The What are the causes of SRGBV section examines the nature and manifestations of SRGBV in educational institutions, and offers a closer look at five complex, multifaceted societal issues considered as root causes of violence at schools in the Asia-Pacific region. The What do we know about the scale of SRGBV section provides research-based evidence on the magnitude of SRGBV in the region. The What do we know about the consequences of SRGBV section focuses on the consequences of violence, with a focus on students whiel briefly discussing other areas. The Policy response section examines legal responses to the phenomenon of school-based violence in the Asia-Pacific region, while the Programme response section explores how specific SRGBV programmes address SRGBV in the region. In both cases specific policy and programme examples are provided and analysed. Finally, the Conclusion and recommendations section presents a summary of the nature, scale, causes and consequences of SRGBV in countries in the Asia-Pacific region as well existing principles of sound and effective policy and programme responses.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação