This study of teenage pregnancy in Africa sets out to document the status, prevalence, drivers and consequences of teenage pregnancy across the continent. It makes use of a desk-based review of available secondary data and case studies from selected countries. It also examines the state of current efforts to respond to teenage pregnancy. The evidence it gathers will be used to inform the development of Pan-African frameworks on the subject, including those under the mandate of the ACERWC. The main objectives of the study are to: assess the situation of teenage pregnancy in terms of, inter alia, age, rate, and subregional variations; identify factors that lead to teenage pregnancy in Africa; examine the consequences of teenage pregnancy in the African context; examine the interplay between teenage pregnancy and the rights provided in the AfricanCharter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC); examine the laws and policies of African States relating to teenage pregnancy as well as the access pregnant teenagers or teen mothers have to services; examine laws and policies relating to the retention of pregnant girls and teen mothers in schools and the measures of additional support that are in place to enable them to sustain themselves; and make recommendations for the way forward.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação