This document is part of a toolkit written for and by HIV trainers. The toolkit has been designed to help trainers plan and organise educational sessions with community leaders or organised groups. It consists in a collection of participatory training exercices to help people at all levels understand stigma - what it means, why it is an important issue, what its root causes are - and develop strategies to challenge stigma and discrimination. The present document contains the introduction to the toolkit and the Module A, "Naming the problem". This module gets participants to name the problem and to recognise that we are all involved in stigmatising people living with HIV and AIDS, and that it is not someone else's problem. The document is divided into 4 parts developing different issues: 1) Introduction to the toolkit (Welcome; About the toolkit; Twelve steps to stop stigma; How to use the toolkit; The session plans - how to use them; Making your own training programme - sample timetables for different workshops; Toolkit methods and materials; Processing; Working with feelings; Tips for participatory trainers. 2) Introduction; (Naming stigma through pictures; Our experience of being stigmatised; Our experience of stigmatising others; Naming stigma in different contexts; Mapping stigma in our communities; What is the meaning of stigma?; Stigmatising through body language; Forms, effects and causes - stigma problem tree; Effects of stigma - different people, different places). 3) Annex 1 (Stigma research findings) and, 4) Pictures (context cards).

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação