<p>The University of the Western Cape (UWC) acknowledges the seriousness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and recognises that the disease will have a significant impact on the University. The University shares the understanding of AIDS as a chronic, life-threatening disease with social, economic and human rights implications. This HIV/AIDS policy reflects the University of the Western Cape's desire to achieve employment and learning equity; to protect the human rights and dignity of HIV/AIDS-infected and affected employees and students; to avoid discriminatory action or stigmatisation of those affected or infected with HIV/AIDS, and to prevent those who are uninfected from acquiring HIV. This policy includes both University employees and students. This policy is based on the following general commitments: 1. To treat HIV/AIDS in all respects like other life-threatening conditions. 2. To create a caring, supportive and non-discriminatory environment for members of the University community infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. 3. To sustain equal opportunities for employees and students with - or perceived to have - HIV/AIDS. 4. To create an environment conducive to people with HIV and AIDS revealing their status and seeking appropriate support and counselling. 5. To respect and uphold the right to confidentiality of employees and students regarding their HIV/AIDS status, as well as others affected by this status, in so far as the law permits. 6. To equip students to be able to live and work in societies with increasing rates of HIV infection and AIDS. 7. To provide programmes for all employees and students on how to prevent HIV/AIDS infection and how to care for and support those with HIV/AIDS. 8. To encourage all employees and students to recognise their responsibility to develop a personal lifestyle in which they will not put themselves or others at risk of infection. 9. To encourage staff and students who are living with HIV to recognise their special obligation to live in such a way as to pose no threat of infection to any other person. 10. To involve, where possible, representatives of all sectors of UWC, including those with HIV/AIDS, in the development of all prevention, intervention and care strategies. 11. To aim to achieve "best practice" standards in all HIV/AIDS interventions. 12. To view HIV/AIDS education, prevention and care in a broad social context. 13. To provide an environment in which the equality of women is respected, and where neither sexist behaviour nor gender-based discrimination is tolerated. 14. To give proactive attention to protecting women and men from coercive sex. 15. To encourage gender-sensitive programmes that will help staff and students become aware of the rights and vulnerabilities of women, as well as the HIV/AIDS-related implications of sexual abuse and violence.</p>

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação