Webinar | 01 Dez 2020
Webinar: Comprehensive School-based & School-Linked Bullying Prevention: An Evidence-Based Action Framework

Comprehensive School-based & School-Linked Bullying Prevention

Date: 1 December 2020


  • Christophe Cornu, Yongfeng Liu, Health & Education, UNESCO
  • James O'Higgins Norman, Co-Chair Scientific Committee, Dublin City University, UNESCO Chair on Bullying in Schools & Cyberspace
  • Christian Berger, Member Scientific Committee, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile

Following the commitments of the G7 education ministers meeting of July 2019, the International Conference on School Bullying and the International Day Against School Violence & Bullying in November 2020, this webinar will delve into a report of the Scientific Committee that underpinned these two important events. This report reflects new approaches which recognize that bullying occurs within structures and relationships within and outside of the school. The researchers propose a "whole education approach" or framework comprised of nine components:

  1. political leadership, laws and policy
  2. curriculum, learning and teaching to prmote a caring school climate
  3. reporting, referral and support services
  4. student empowerment & particpation
  5. monitoring and program evaluation
  6. training and support for teachers
  7. safe social and physical environments in schools and classrooms
  8. involvement of parents and stakeholders
  9. inter-sectoral cooperation among government and other partners

This framework can guide and coordinate legislation, policy and programs on bullying, cyber-bullying and other forms of violence as well as online safety, digital citizenship and technology use.