Condoms and prevention of HIV
Are essential and effective, but additional methods are also needed.
Are essential and effective, but additional methods are also needed.
This policy brief builds on VSO's earlier work, Gendering AIDS: women, men, empowerment, mobilisation, and highlights the crisis in delivering equitable health care for people living with HIV & AIDS, and the overwhelming burden it places on women and girls.
The CHANGES2 program is funded by USAID/ZAMBIA through an EQUIP1 Associate award. It is implemented by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and the Zambia Ministry of Education.
If the society focuses on male adolescents, properly cultivating and channelising their masculinity, it can benefit the society. Any intervention programme that seeks to address adolescence issues will be incomplete unless it addresses masculinity.
This document focuses on comprehensive sexuality education that promotes and considers the sexual and reproductive rights of young people, especially those living with HIV.
This tool was developed by UNESCO's IBE with the goal of improving teaching and learning on HIV and AIDS in official basic education curricula.
El presente documento se ha desarrollado para apoyar el objetivo de la International Planned Parenthood Federation, de aumentar el acceso a una educación integral en sexualidad, orientada a la juventud y sensible al tema de género, y para aprovechar las recomendaciones de una extensa consulta int
Estudio - aún en desarrollo a la época de publicación deáeste documento-áen la población migrante mexicana, principalmente de origen rural, que se mueve entre México y Estados Unidos respecto a prevención y conductas de riesgo frente al VIH/SIDA.
Guía para la atención del VIH/SIDA e ITS en poblaciones móviles en El Salvador. Las características de las poblaciones móviles. Relación entre población que se desplaza y VIH/SIDA; riesgo, vulnerabilidad y movilidad. Propósito, objetivos, estrategias y actividadesápara este tipo de población.
Guía de acciones para enfrentar la discriminación de gays, lesbianas, travestis, transexuales, transgénero, bisexuales e intersexuales.