
Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2008

L'impact du VIH et du SIDA sur le système éducatif au Burkina Faso

Cet ouvrage recense les effets de la pandémie sur l'offre et la demande dans l'enseignement primaire et secondaire au Burkina Faso, ainsi que les réponses apportées pour limiter ces effets. Il en ressort avant tout une très forte stigmatisation dans le milieu scolaire.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2007

Making the connections: why literacy matters for HIV prevention

This document looks at the relationship between literacy and HIV prevention education and is the result of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning's work on examining the contribution of non-formal education (NFE) to HIV prevention, carried out in collaboration with the Association for th

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2006

Caring for children affected by HIV and AIDS

This Insight is intended to advance the discussion on the impact of HIV and AIDS on children in three key ways: by drawing attention to the situation of children orphaned by AIDS and the limitations of current responses for the realization of their rights; by reviewing the options for the care of