
Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2004

Help! HIV and AIDS - your questions answered

This document is one of the "information books " in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior African Writers (JAWS). It is designed to provide information and raise key questions about the consequences of HIV and AIDS.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2004

Take care! Health-care workers today

This document is one of the "information books" in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior African Writers (JAWS). It is designed to provide information and raise key questions about the consequences of HIV and AIDS.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2004

Simon's story

This document is one of the "story books" in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior African Writers (JAWS). It is designed to provide information and raise key questions about the consequences of HIV and AIDS.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2004

Nelson and Ali

This document is one of the "story books" in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior African Writers (JAWS). It is designed to provide information and raise key questions about the consequences of HIV and AIDS.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2004

Hopital scares me

This document is one of the "story books" in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior African Writers (JAWS). It is designed to provide information and raise key questions about the consequences of HIV and AIDS.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2006

Politique de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et les IST en milieu scolaire

Le but de la politique de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et les IST est de retracer l'ensemble des options à mettre en oeuvre pour maîtriser la gestion globale du VIH/SIDA et des IST dans le secteur de l'éducation.Les principes de l'élaboration de ce document de politique du VIH/SIDA et