Estudos de casos e investigação

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2004

Approaches to examining the impact of HIV/AIDS on teachers

HIV/AIDS has, unequivocally, led to increased morbidity and mortality among young adults in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Although all sectors of society have been affected, one sector in particular has been the focus for attention and controversy: teachers.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2004

Sex education in America : principals survey

A new project by National Public Radio, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University's Kennedy School examines Americans' views on sex education in the nations public schools.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2004

Youth reproductive health in Nepal : is participation the answer?

The document discusses the processes and results of a multi-year research study jointly undertaken by ICRW, EngenderHealth, and Nepali partners. The project tested the effectiveness of the participatory approach in defining and addressing the reproductive health concerns of adolescents.