Populações-chave jovens

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2009

UNAIDS outlook 2010

UNAIDS Outlook Report explores new ideas and ways to use the data collected in the AIDS Epidemic Update companion report. It is clear that the HIV epidemic the world faces today is not the same as when it was at its peak in 1996.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2008

Tudo de bom! Parcerias de prazer, saúde e direitos

Folleto educativo dirigido a profesionales del sexo de la ciudad de Sâo Paulo con información para evitar el contagio de hepatitis y VIH/sida, principalmente a través del uso de preservativo femenino y masculino y las precauciones al utilizar hormonas o silicona.