
Programme Reports & Evaluations
Programme Reports & Evaluations | 2007

UNGASS Watch Belize: Findings

The aim of UNGASS Watch Belize is to communicate the goal of and strengthen national actions on monitoring of HIV/AIDS and S&RH policies. In ths document, several national policies are checked and an overall situation of the HIV and AIDS epidemic is given.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2007

HIV/AIDS Policy of the Public Service of Belize

In line with the mandate of the Office of Governance, this policy has been formulated to integrate the issue of HIV/AIDS into the mainstream human capital management policies of the Belize Public Service.

Advocacy Materials
Advocacy Materials | 2008

Prevention is for life. HIV/AIDS: dispatches from the field

Although HIV can strike anyone, it is not an equal opportunity virus. Gender inequality, poverty, lack of education and inadequate access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services continue to fuel the epidemic. This booklet will detail how and why prevention works.

Conference Reports
Conference Reports | 2006

Improving responses to HIV/AIDS in education sector workplaces

The workshop was organized under the auspices of an ILO-initiated programme during 2004-2005 to enhance a sectoral approach to HIV/AIDS education sector workplaces, as a complement to the ILO's Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS in the world of work, adopted in 2001.