Puberty Education and Menstrual Hygiene Management

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2020

Menstrual hygiene management policy: 2019-2030

The Kenya Menstrual Hygiene Management Policy (2019-2030) marks a milestone in the Country’s movement towards universal access to improved sanitation and hygiene and a clean and healthy environment in the wake of the new Constitution of Kenya 2010 and the a

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2019

Let's talk early and unintended pregnancy!

This booklet is aimed at helping adolescents better understand important issues in their life related to early and unintended pregnancy (EUP) – including puberty, contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and relationships.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2019

Guidance on menstrual health and hygiene

This guidance is structured into five sections. Section 1: A global opportunity This section explains the global interest in supporting MHH through development and humanitarian programming under the SDGs.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2019

Guide to menstrual hygiene materials

This document provides guidance for staff from UNICEF Supply Division and Programme Division (WASH, Education, and Protection sections) on the selection and procurement of appropriate materials and supplies for menstrual hygiene management, particularly during humanitarian response.