
Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 1999

Questions of intimacy: rethinking population education

The book examines key areas in population field in relation to education. Sexuality, reproductive rights and health, violence, fertility, ageing, gender relations and AIDS education are some of the themes explored in the book.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2001

Follow-up reproductive health KAP survey for women and Baseline reproductive health KAP survey for men: final report. Target area :Chhlong Operational District, Kratie Province

The objectives of the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling or LQAS survey were to: assess changes in married women's KAP related to birth spacing, STDs, HIV/AIDS and other reproductive health issues within the Community-based Distribution (CBD) project area; obtain information about individual su

Advocacy Materials
Advocacy Materials | 2001

Families worldwide

The factsheet addresses the issue of families that: families are diverse; abuse and violations can occur within families; and many children grow up or spend part of their children outside of a family unit. Key actions for governments and civil society are suggested.

Advocacy Materials
Advocacy Materials | 2001

Trafficking and girls

The factsheet presents the world situation of trafficking in girls and suggests key actions to be undertaken. Statements of international commitments presented at the ICPD, Cairo 1994 and Convention on the Rights of the Child are also included.