Policies & Strategies

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2013

National policy on sexual and reproductive health

The high maternal mortality rate, high adolescent fertility rate, unmet need for family planning, and on-going problems with sexual and gender based violence are some of the indicators that highlight a need for comprehensive sexuality education and evidence based interventions.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2012

National HIV peer education strategy 2012

The goal of the National Peer Education Strategy is to position peer education as a critical component of HIV prevention programmes targeting KAPs in preventing the

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2013

HIV and AIDS policy

The Institute of Adult Education recognizes and acknowledges that the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Tanzania is on the threshold of an exponential increase in the country.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2008

Education sector policy for orphans and vulnerable children

The goal of this policy is to ensure that an increased number of OVC are able to access, remain in, and complete general education of good quality. The objective of this policy is to ensure that all OVC of school-going age attend school and are

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2011

Curriculum and assessment policy statement grades 7-9: Life orientation

Life Orientation is central to the holistic development of learners. It addresses skills, knowledge and values for the personal, social, intellectual, emotional and physical growth of learners, and is concerned with the way in which these facets are interrelated.