Toolkits & Guides

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2010

Positive prevention: prevention strategies for people living with HIV

This guide on positive prevention was developed to assist people living with HIV, service providers and policy makers to understand, promote and implement appropriate rights-based strategies for addressing the prevention needs of people living with HIV.

Advocacy Materials
Advocacy Materials | 2004

¿Qué significa VIH, SIDA e ITS?

Este material ha sido elaborado con el fin de ayudar a los especialistas curriculares en el diseño de programas educativos sobre VIH/SIDA/ITS adaptados al contexto local.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2008

Sehat-1: Class 1: Teacher's guide

Practical guide to teach six health topics (Hygiene and Disease Prevention, Environmental and Community Health, Family and Social Health) to children in class one. The manual is divided into 4 to 6 lessons.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2009

Mentoring guide about HIV and AIDS

The issue of HIV and AIDS is a serious global issue that affects girls and boys, women and men, from all communities. Girls and women are particularly vulnerable to contracting HIV which can develop into AIDS.

Advocacy Materials
Advocacy Materials |

Most frequently-used HIV/AIDS acronyms

Listado de siglas (en inglés y español) relacionadas al VIH/SIDA y su significado. El listado está ordenado alfabeticamente en inglés y luego en español.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2009

National standards and implementation guide for youth friendly health services

In order to ensure quality services for the youth, the National STIs and HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Program, Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health in collaboration with Reproductive Health Program and the Comprehensive School Health program has developed National Standards for Yout