
Programme Reports & Evaluations
Programme Reports & Evaluations | 2009

Addictive substances: textbook approaches from 16 countries

Schools have been identified as one of the appropriate settings for addiction prevention since this is the place where pupils may come into contact with drugs for the first time and experiment with them, with the possibility of becoming addicted.

Conference Reports
Conference Reports | 2011

Implementing sexuality education: symposium report

The International Symposium, "Implementing Sexuality Education", took place in New York on 27 April 2011. The Symposium was hosted by UNESCO and convened by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2000

How to bridge the gap between us? Gender and sexual safety

This booklet aims to provoke discussions about gender issues; to stimulate questions about attitudes of men and women and to provide some practical information about some aspects of sexual safety that is required for today's young people to live 'safer tomorrows.' It was written by