Boas práticas sobre alimentação escolar com países de língua portuguesa
Nos últimos anos, países de língua portuguesa avançaram em boas práticas na alimentação escolar, combatendo a desnutrição, a má nutrição e a pobreza.
Nos últimos anos, países de língua portuguesa avançaram em boas práticas na alimentação escolar, combatendo a desnutrição, a má nutrição e a pobreza.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Timor-Leste.
This report presents an overview of the findings from the analysis of data collected as part of the piloting of the Connect with Respect (CWR) programme in countries in eastern and southern Africa and the Asia Pacific region, including Zambia, Tanzania, Eswatini, Thailand, and Timor-Leste.
This report is the second assessment of the responsiveness to HIV of Education Sector Plans which have been appraised and endorsed by the Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI).
This review of the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual and reproductive health in Timor- Leste aimed to examine the present policy and programmatic response in the sector, to identify gaps and to propose recommendations to support the response.
This review is a synthesis of situation-response analyses (SRA) on the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual health undertaken in five countries: Brunei Darussalam (2012), Indonesia (2010), Malaysia (2012), the Philippines (2012) and Timor-Leste (2012).
This report is focused on illustrating the interface between culture, gender and reproductive health issues addressed by UNFPA. It draws attention to challenges and opportunities in terms of both issues and strategies that have implications for programming interventions.