This resource is part of IPPF's Inspire pack, which offers standards, guidelines and self-assessment guidance on a variety of strategies and activities that contribute to rights-based and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health programming for young people. It provides service providers, programme planners, policy-makers and young people with information to advocate for rights-based, gender-sensitive and sex-positive comprehensive sexuality education at local and national levels. It introduces comprehensive sexuality education as a tool to empower young people by helping them to understand their rights and roles as young men and women and how to take care of their own sexuality and its development. It promotes new thinking and reviews existing approaches to sexuality education and introduces a comprehensive sexuality education framework and guidelines. It provides evidence (within certain contexts) demonstrating that comprehensive sexuality education is effective and abstinence-only approaches are ineffective. It also responds to challenges and difficult questions on comprehensive sexuality education from members of the community and helps readers to gain a better understanding of the linkages between comprehensive sexuality education and HIV, human rights, health outcomes and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The purpose of the document is to help service providers, programme planners, policymakers and young people to look critically at the sexuality education programmes and curricula in their country. It is intended as a tool to assist IPPF Member Associations and other organizations working with and for young people to promote rights-based, gender-sensitive and sex-positive comprehensive sexuality education. The resource is divided into four sections: Advocate: IPPF's vision for comprehensive sexuality education - young people's rights; Approaches: evidence base for comprehensive sexuality education - characteristics, approaches and outcomes. Activate: advocating for change - how to create the climate for comprehensive sexuality education programmes. Answers: tackling questions and addressing the opposition - sorting fact from fiction. It includes a summary of the current evidence base for comprehensive sexuality education, examples of strategies and messages to advocate for change in current sexuality education curricula, and how to tackle and respond to difficult questions on this topic. It also includes an overview of the links between comprehensive sexuality education, the MDGs and HIV prevention.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación