Attitudes and roles regarding gender are an important determinant of sexual health outcomes (including age at first sex, number of sexual partners, frequency of adolescent intercourse, use of condoms and contraceptives, and HIV infection). Fostering young people's critical reflection about gender role socialization has been proven to change attitudes and to lead to healthier sexual behavior. This checklist can help you assess how effectively your curriculum is addressing these issues and help you identify changes that can strengthen your curriculum. This checklist covers a number of issues - for example, such topics as female genital mutilation/cutting, sexual orientation, masturbation, sexual abuse, and female sexual pleasure - that are sensitive in some settings. These topics are included because they are linked to sexual behavior, sexual agency, and/or sexual health outcomes. These issues also have human rights dimensions. If, however, you believe that a sexuality or HIV/AIDS program in your setting must avoid such topics, you may wish to skip the questions that you judge to be too sensitive. At the end of the form is a one-page appendix that defines specific checklist items.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation