Learning About Healthy Living - An Activity Manual for Outreach Workers is a document developed by Family Health International in Lao PDR and funded by USAID in 2007. The manual illustrates the experiences of outreach workers in Lao PDR. It provides clear guidance for conducting prevention education activities with women (sex workers). It also shows how complex Reproductive Health and HIV prevention information can be successfully presented by outreach volunteers who, in many cases, develop their own materials. The manual provides guidance for developing and using some of the educational tool that Lao Service Women are using successfully to talk to their peer about Reproductive Health and HIV/STI prevention. All activities are designed to encourage discussion. The document is divided into 9 themes: 1) Our Bodies/Body Mapping Activity; 2) HIV and STI Transmission/The Risk Cards; 3) Managing Money/The Money Game; 4) Pregnancy/The Reproductive System-Apron; 5) Condoms as Dual Protection/The Reproductive System-Apron; 6) Condoms with Trusted Partners/The Boyfriend Game; 7) Condom Negotiation/Matching Male and Female Responses (Puzzle); 8) Saving and Managing Money/Snakes and Ladders Game; and 9) Alcohol and Sex Work/Spin the Beer Bottle. Finally, the documents provides fives annexes which provide resources that might be used during the activities.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation