This publication is the result of a partnership between UNESCO and the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+). It builds upon the respective work of these organisations in relation to supporting the ideals of Education for All and the role of the education sector in the global response to HIV (UNESCO) and the Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention framework (GNP+). The overall purpose is to better define the role and responsibilities of the education sector in supporting young people who are living with HIV (YPLHIV) to realise their personal, social and educational potential. UNESCO and GNP+ have looked at the issues from the perspective of the young person living with HIV, putting the individual and her/his needs at the centre of the debate. As such, this approach moves on from a more bio-medical or social protection approach found in much of the literature and work focusing on orphans and vulnerable children, and young people, to date. This publication will be of particular interest to policy-makers, planners and implementers in the fields of education, health and social protection in addition to teachers and others who work with young people. Young people living with HIV themselves can also use this publication to identify what they can expect from the education sector and provide support as appropriate. The evidence presented and the recommendations made are intended to provoke a shift in the way that the issues of young people living with HIV are perceived by the education sector, with a list of suggested actions that will reflect this new approach in practice. On the basis of analysis of the available evidence concerning the needs of YPLHIV and the Education Sector response to date, including consultations with YPLHIV, a set of recommendations has been developed. These identify practical steps that will support YPLHIV to complete their education and transition safely towards productive, healthy adulthood. The publication also has an advocacy function in terms of summarising the available evidence base, highlighting key gaps and identifying specific measures to be promoted. Finally, the recommendations provide a measure against which progress can be assessed.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation