This document consists in a collection of contributions presented by the participants of a conference held in 2007 and dedicated to the implementation's outcomes of the programme "Useful Inoculation" in the Sakhalin Region. This programme was developed within the project "Healthy Russia 2020" and implemented in several secondary schools of five Russian regions. Its aim is to develop life skills that will allow learners to prevent from HIV and avoid drug use, and also to show empathy and support towards people living with HIV and AIDS. Some contributions are the following: "Efficacy of the programme "Useful Inoculation" in three Russian regions", "Information on the outcomes of the programme "Useful Inoculation" in the schools of the Sakhalin region", "Administrative ressources supporting the implementation of "Useful Inoculation", "Features of the psychological atmosphere during the "Useful Inoculation's" lessons", ...

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation