In 2020, a diagnostic tool was developed by Safe to Learn partners to track countries’ progress toward achieving the objectives of the Safe to Learn Call to Action at the national, district and school-level and establish a baseline from which to measure progress. This report analyses that process in two of those countries: South Sudan and Uganda, both of which have endorsed the Safe to Learn Call to Action. The publication showcases the benefits and limitations of doing such diagnostics. Main findings of the report also include recommendations of what to retain – and what to discard – in future diagnostic exercises. This exercise also aimed to identify to what extent the recommendations and findings from the diagnostics have been useful at the country level to date, and through what existing country mechanisms they have been taken forward or could be taken forward in the future. Based on its main findings, the report also provides recommendations to further refine the diagnostic exercises, as well as concrete orientations to efficiently guide its process.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation