This guidance was developed based on experience sharing and problem solving from an expert meeting on Methodologies for Obtaining Strategic Information on Young People at Higher Risk of HIV Exposure, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 3rd to 5th of September, 2012. This meeting facilitated the sharing of knowledge, and exchange of ideas and experiences in the collection, analysis and utilization of strategic information on young key populations. Main themes discussed over the three-day meeting included methodological and ethical issues, and support for data collection to provide evidence for including young key populations in data collection and reporting. The rationale for developing this guidance is to provide recommendations for collecting and reporting information about young key populations at higher risk for HIV exposure (henceforth, young key populations) in order to improve the availability and usefulness of strategic information. This guidance is for national HIV and AIDS programme planners and managers and those working in local, national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations which commission, collect, and use data about young key populations to advocate for policies and funding for strengthening programme service delivery. Although this guidance is focused on the Asia and Pacific region, it may also have wider global application.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation