In developing a policy on HIV and AIDS and Anti-Sexual Harassment, Uganda Martyrs‘ University (UMU) has embarked on a continuum stretching from prevention, treatment, care and support of those affected and infected by HIV and AIDS; to mitigating the impact of the disease on individuals, institutions, and community of which they are a part. The activities generated and developed at the end of the policy development exercise are aimed at: 1) providing sustained tertiary education on HIV and AIDS whose course content and curriculum will systematically be geared to responding to the pandemic; 2) making our graduates understand the impact of HIV and AIDS in their personal, family and professional lives; 3) exercising zero tolerance to sexual harassment; 4) inculcating both theoretical and practical understanding of the pandemic and its implications in their future lives and professional careers; 5) engaging academic staff to mainstream HIV and AIDS in University life by integrating HIV and AIDS in core teaching programmes; 6) protecting staff and students by adequate training and continued sensitization; 7) protecting staff and students from sexual harassment.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation