Communication for Change (C-Change) works around the world to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) across program areas, including health, environment, economic growth and poverty alleviation, and democracy and governance. In Nigeria, C-Change supports health and HIV prevention objectives of the USAID Mission. The project is building SBCC capacity for country-driven interventions that aim to prevent new HIV infections, reduce HIV prevalence among high-risk groups, and stabilize HIV prevalence within the general population. C-Change recognizes the social context as an important determinant of individual behavior, and relies on research to determine the focus and design of SBCC interventions. Like the Government of Nigeria, USAID/Nigeria sees sustained behavior change as a prerequisite to reducing the incidence and impact of HIV and AIDS in the country. The Mission considers community involvement and mass media interventions to be key factors in realizing this overall objective, and it emphasizes the use of evidence when designing HIV prevention programs and comprehensive HIV services. C-Change/Nigeria thus launched formative research to inform the focus and design of countrydriven SBCC interventions that aim to achieve two of the project's four objectives: 1. Reduce HIV risk behaviors among youth ages 15-24 years in Kogi and Cross River states through multi-channeled campaigns implemented through national sub-partners. 2. Expand the use of mass media by SBCC implementing agencies and improve mass mediasupport for prevention priorities outlined in the National BCC Strategy and Prevention Plan.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation