This report presents the findings and recommendations of a baseline study conducted for Our Rights, Our Lives, and Our Future (O3 plus), a UNESCO-SIDA supported project which is being implemented at the university level in Tanzania from 2021 to 2022. The project seeks to ensure that young people in higher and tertiary education institutions (HTEIs) achieve positive health, education, and gender equality outcomes through sustained reductions in new HIV infections, unintended pregnancies, and sexual and gender-based violence. In the context of the project, the baseline study sought information on these issues and covered two universities, the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) and the University of Dodoma (UDOM). The study had four specific objectives: (1) to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices linked to HIV/AIDS, SRH, and GBV among university students and the institutional set-ups for making HIV/AIDS-related interventions, and policy gaps; (2) to provide quantitative and qualitative indicator data for the proposed results framework, as appropriate; (3) to provide an assessment of the HTEIs’ readiness to provide data for the results framework and complete the results framework, i.e., provide baseline indicator data, and (4) to specify the correct sources of data.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation