Since 2007 all pre-service teachers have had a compulsory and comprehensive training course in HIV&AIDS and sexual reproductive health. HIV&AIDS is also a compulsory part of all school and cluster TIPs and every School Learning Improvement Plan (SLIP). This Facilitator's Manual is designed to help school inservice coordinators, cluster facilitators and interested teachers to run participatory training sessions for their colleagues. The manual follows these principles: All teachers have the responsibility to teach about HIV&AIDS and the responsibility to develop as a professional through in-service training and study; Teacher training should be participatory, practical, reflective and challenging; Training should be related to the national curriculum (specifically Personal Development in primary and secondary schools); In-service training should build on the experience, skills and knowledge of the teachers in the school; Schools and teachers know their own needs; Most schools and clusters can facilitate their own training sessions using local expertise if available; Training should be honest, accurate and "tok stret" about HIV, STIs and sexual reproductive health; Training should be sensitive to the feelings, backgrounds, church agency and culture of teachers; Training should always follow the guidelines of the National Department of Education (DoE) policies on HIV&AIDS, gender equity and behaviour management; All teachers should promote a life skills approach based on universal human values of care, love and respect; The manual will be written by Papua New Guinean teachers for Papua New Guinean teachers.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation