This report explores three countries’ responses to one aspect of LGBT marginalization—school harassment of LGBT youth. In particular, the authors studied the policies and programs of the United States, Germany and Brazil in an effort to identify lessons learned that could help ameliorate school harassment of LGBT youth and create the beginnings of a 3Rs movement to end homophobia and transphobia and the negative impact they have on young people. These countries where selected as snapshots of important, trend-setting work being done in different regions of the world. This report has, at its core, three main goals: To spur local, national and international advocacy around adolescent sexual and reproductive health that incorporates the rights and needs of LGBT youth; To advocate for improved qualitative and quantitative data collection on the health issues affecting LGBT youth; To foster international exchange of intervention strategies, research methods and findings, and lessons learned concerning the health issues affecting LGBT youth.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation