Water, sanitation and hygiene are essential for the health, development and well-being of every school age child. Due to the need to be aware of the reality that affects thousands of schoolchildren, the National Directorate of General Education, with the support of the Provincial Education Directorates of Cunene, Huíla, Bié, Luanda, Namibe, Huambo, and UNICEF have carried out a brief survey of six hundred (600) schools in order to assess their sanitary conditions. This review aims to pave the way for a debate on access to water, sanitation and hygiene, as well as promote proper planning and budgeting for primary schools. The case study seeks to analyse possible obstacles or bottlenecks to the water, sanitation and hygiene programmes in schools in Angola through the implementation of the Tanahashi comprehensive Model (1978), and by taking into account the following priority areas: Enabling Environment, Supply, Demand and Quality. The Tanahashi Model allows the analysis of these four key areas in order to enable the development of a strategy to address and reduce barriers identified in the Angolan framework. The diagnosis shows that all the schools visited in the municipalities of each province somehow lacked a hygienic and sanitary environment that was conducive to carrying out their duties.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation