This HIV and AIDS strategy is aimed at guiding and coordinating activities and initiatives of different stakeholders to manage the impact of HIV and AIDS in the public education sector in Limpopo. It is based on the premise that HIV and AIDS are multi-faceted challenges that impact on learners, educators and staff of the provincial Department of Education. As such, it requires a comprehensive, coordinated response involving a variety of stakeholders that would each bring to the implementation of this strategy specific resources and strengths in accordance with their core business. The strategy is targeted at educators, learners in Early Childhood Development, General Education at Grades R to 12, Further Education and Training (FET), and Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET), as well as employees of the Limpopo Department of Education. It addresses issues such as the inclusion of HIV and AIDS in the curriculum, schools and school governance in relation to HIV and AIDS, learner issues, organizational issues related to HIV and AIDS, educator and staff issues, etc. However, this strategy excludes the Higher Education sector except for certain aspects related to employee wellness. The HIV and AIDS strategy will ensure that there is a "seamless" link with the South African Higher Education Sector HIV and AIDS Strategy - complementarity and coordination, but no duplication and overlap.

Health and Education Resource Centre