The Centre for the Study of AIDS (CSA), University of Pretoria, in collaboration with the Health and Wellness Centre and the University of Botswana, hosted the fifth Imagined Futures conference on 28 and 29 September 2010 at Willowpark Conference Centre in Gauteng, South Africa.This year’s theme was 20/20 Vision: looking to the next decade through the last. The conference looked back on a decade of HIV/AIDS programmes implemented at various universities in southern Africa, in the hopes of identifying challenges and priorities for the next decade. A number of sub-themes were included in the conference to complement the larger, overarching theme of 20/20 vision. These included: Testing and treatment at universities - then and now; Research and HIV and AIDS - are we critical thinkers or loyal followers?; Prevention - what has prevented us from achieving innovation?; Curriculum – have we learnt from what we teach?; Sexual and reproductive rights – silence and discourse. The conference aimed to create an interactive space for students, academics, practitioners and programme managers to interact with one another, discuss prominent HIV/AIDS issues and explore various strategies for future HIV/AIDS initiatives.

Health and Education Resource Centre