Protecting the next generation in sub-saharan Africa: learning from adolescents to prevent HIV and unintended pregnancy

Case Studies & Research
New York
Guttmacher Institute
60 p.
Title other languages
Protéger la prochaine génération d'Afrique subsaharienne : apprendre des adolescents comment prévenir le VIH et la grossesse non planifiée

This report presents key findings from nationally representative surveys conducted in 2004 among 12-19-year-olds in four African countries-Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi and Uganda-with the goal of guiding programs, policies and investments aimed at improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health. It is based on research conducted as part of a multiyear project, called Protecting the Next Generation: Understanding HIV Risk Among Youth. The project seeks to contribute to the global fight against the HIV epidemic among adolescents by documenting and raising awareness of young people's sexual and reproductive health needs regarding HIV and AIDS, other STIs and unintended pregnancy. It also seeks to communicate new knowledge to a broad audience (including policymakers, health care providers and the media) in each country, as well as regionally and internationally, and to stimulate the development of improved policies and programs to serve young people.

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