An introduction to welcoming schools: an inclusive approach to addressing family diversity; gender stereotyping and name-calling in K-5 learning environments

Toolkits & Guides
Washington DC
Human Rights Campaign Foundation

The Welcoming Schools Guide is a comprehensive resource that facilitates the creation of fully inclusive, respectful and supportive elementary school environments for all students and their families. Welcoming Schools is ideally implemented as a program with a clear starting point and the long-term goal of sustainable institutional change that occurs when all members of the school community — from the principal to the parents, the playground monitors to the school counselor, the classroom teachers to bus drivers — have a shared commitment to the principles and practices identified in Welcoming Schools, and act every day to uphold them. The objectives of the Welcoming Schools Guide are to help schools: Improve school climate so that all students and families feel safe and welcome; Increase family involvement Improve students‘ academic achievement ;Teach respect and diversity that includes LGBT topics in the context of the full range of diversity in our schools.

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