Prevention of sexual violence in education settings
This paper shines a light on sexual violence in education settings. It covers forced, non-consensual or exploitative sexual acts perpetrated in, around or related to an education setting.
This paper shines a light on sexual violence in education settings. It covers forced, non-consensual or exploitative sexual acts perpetrated in, around or related to an education setting.
The case studies from Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe featured in this brief show how catalytic funding can be instrumental to address gender-based violence in and around schools in a short period of time.
This diagnostic tool is designed to inform country-level collective dialogue amongst Safe to Learn partners and with national counterparts. Its overall objective is to support children’s right to education and to protection from violence.
Harmful gender norms and expectations perpetuate and impact patterns of school violence. Therefore, addressing school violence effectively and sustainably requires a gender-transformative approach.
In response to evidence of increasing political will, as well as emergence of promising practices in addressing the issue, the Global Working Group to end school-related gender-based violence hosted the 2023 learning Symposium in the Asia-Pacific region.
This brief highlights the outputs of the Global Working Group to End SRGBV’s Expert Working Group, which references the existing sources of data and measures of SRGBV and suggests several ways to improve the body of evidence.
This report synthesises learning from an action research project supported by UNICEF Sierra Leone to develop evidence regarding strategies for addressing the problem of school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV).
This report presents the findings of a research project on school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) conducted by Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the Institute for Development (IfD) in partnership with UNICEF Sierra Leone and its partners, Community Initiatives for Rural Development (
This is a 5-day training course on preventing school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). The course materials have been drawn up for use by training facilitators throughout the training course, which may be provided online or in-person.
On Thursday, August 26 and Friday, August 27, 2021, the workshop “Challenges, transformative experiences and recommendations for the prevention of school-related gender-based violence” was held.