This report synthesises learning from an action research project supported by UNICEF Sierra Leone to develop evidence regarding strategies for addressing the problem of school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). This research was funded by USAID in the framework of the 'School-Related Gender-Based Violence' project implemented by the United Nations Girls' Education Initiative (UNGEI) in partnership with UNICEF Sierra Leone Country Office. The action research accompanied the implementation of two projects that aimed to address SRGBV and support the implementation of minimum standards for achieving a whole school approach to SRGBV (hereafter 'minimum standards') within a selection of schools and communities in Kambia, Kenema and Kono districts. These projects were implemented by UNICEF partners Community Initiative for Rural Development (CIFORD) in Kono and Humanity and Inclusion (HI) in Kambia and Kenema. The action research gathered evidence regarding the implementation of these projects, supported CIFORD and HI staff in reflecting on the effectiveness of their approach and where they might want to make adaptations, and documented lessons from these projects.

Health and Education Resource Centre