International Conference on School Bullying: recommendations by the Scientific Committee on preventing and addressing school bullying and cyberbullying

Conference Reports
6 p.
Title other languages
Conférence internationale sur la lutte contre le harcèlement entre élèves: recommandations du Comité scientifique sur la lutte contre le harcèlement et cyber-harcèlement
Conferencia Internacional sobre Acoso Escolar: recomendaciones del Comité Científico para la prevención y la lucha contra el acoso y el ciberacoso escolar
International Conference on School Bullying: recommendations by the Scientific Committee on preventing and addressing school bullying and cyberbullying (Chinese)

The online conference intended to build global momentum to end bullying in schools by raising awareness among all stakeholders, sharing promising practices, and mobilising governments, experts and the entire education community. Prior to the event, experts from different regions of the world working on the prevention of school bullying were asked to prepare recommendations for the conference. The process was led by a Scientific Committee comprised of French experts advising the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for the design of its national anti-bullying programme, as well as international experts. This document presents a summary of a first set of recommendations made by the Scientific Committee on three key issues: 1) How should the definition of school bullying be revisited to develop more comprehensive and targeted initiatives to tackle bullying in all its forms? What aspects should be considered for a more inclusive definition? 2) How effective national responses to bullying should look like, based on existing evidence? What are the key components and characteristics of a comprehensive approach to bullying and cyberbullying? 3) What additional or specific strategies and actions should be taken into consideration when planning and implementing responses to cyberbullying?

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