
Literature Reviews
Literature Reviews | 2015

Education for pregnant girls and young mothers. Helpdesk report

How do Kenya, Nigeria and the UK deal with girls who get pregnant at school in terms of: (1) what the policy is around when they should leave school to have their baby, and whether this is actually implemented; (2) whether formal education is provided while they are away having their babies, how

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2016

Global school feeding sourcebook: lessons from fourteen countries

This sourcebook documents and analyzes a range of government-led school meals programs to provide decision-makers and practitioners worldwide with the knowledge, evidence and good practice they need to strengthen their national school feeding efforts.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2016

National HIV strategy for adolescents and young people 2016-2020

The development of a National HIV Strategy for Adolescents and Young People is in alignment with ongoing efforts to reduce HIV infection rates in Nigeria. Efforts have been made to address issues of adolescents and young people in previous plans.