
Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2015

Water, sanitation, and hygiene in education efforts: a resource guide

This resource guide serves as a tool for implementers and advocates in the WASH and education nexus to pursue and promote integrated programming. It contains summaries of manuals and reports, mapping resources, and a list of organizations working on WASH in Schools.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2009

Menstruation and education in Nepal

This paper presents the results from a randomized evaluation that distributed menstrual cups (menstrual sanitary products) to adolescent girls in rural Nepal.

Declarations | 2016

Let’s step up and deliver!

This call for action was formulated by the Ministers of Education, Health, Gender, and Youth and senior government officials, gathered in Durban, South Africa, on 18 July 2016 for the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Ministerial Commitment Progress Meeting in order to commit themselves to step u