This study sought to examine the extent to which a teacher training institution in Zambia was able to address the problem of HIV and AIDS. The report contributes to existing knowledge in the field by using a qualitative in-depth case study approach of a single teacher training college located in a high prevalence province of Zambia. It offers insight into the response through an examination of current policy and practice at both the ministerial and institutional level. The research identifies the impact of HIV and AIDS on staff and students in the college and the existence of institutional policies, structures, teaching programmes and strategies for addressing HIV and AIDS. It describes barriers to effective teaching on HIV and AIDS and the causes for weaknesses in the overall response. The study found that while attempts were made to establish structures and integrate HIV and AIDS into the current teaching programmes, the response needs much strengthening and improvement. Issues such as lecturer-student sexual relationships, peer pressure, lack of teaching materials, selective teaching practices and discomfort with the subject and lack of policies were all identified as major barriers to adequately address the epidemic and equip future teachers with the skills, attitudes and knowledge for effective teaching on HIV and AIDS. The research concludes that the teacher training college is being only partially responsive to the future needs of teachers and needs much more support from the Ministry of Education and other partners.

Health and Education Resource Centre