Approaches to examining the impact of HIV/AIDS on teachers

Case Studies & Research
Save the Children
ActionAid International

HIV/AIDS has, unequivocally, led to increased morbidity and mortality among young adults in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Although all sectors of society have been affected, one sector in particular has been the focus for attention and controversy: teachers. This paper does not attempt to assess what the actual and likely impact of the epidemic is on teachers. Instead, it attempts to draw together the different approaches to understanding the impact on teachers: highlighting the key methodological issues and consequent gaps and recommendations. It is hoped that this analysis will help to ground some of the tensions in the debate through a greater awareness of the complexities and subtleties of studying the impact of HIV/AIDS on teachers and teaching.This paper summarises discussions from the first meeting of the UK Working Group on HIV/AIDS and Education, held 17 July 2003 in London. This first publication was based on discussions evoked by presentations from Paul Bennell, Roy Carr-Hill, Anthony Kinghorn and Alan Whiteside.

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